If you've been relying on paper-based document management for a while and are finally ready to make the switch to paperless workflows, you might be wondering what to expect. How do you switch from managing physical files to managing digital ones?
Switching over to a digital office can seem a little overwhelming at first, especially when it comes time to utilize scanning solutions and say goodbye to your physical files. We've all been using paper for so long that not using it can seem a little strange--but not to worry. Here are some tips to help make the transition simple and painless.
Get A Head Start on Digitizing
The great thing about most document management solutions is that they give you a head-start when it comes to going digital. This means that document management was designed to encourage cloud-based communications, scanning solutions, and the use of digital tools, all while you still rely on paper-based files--which means you're that much closer to creating a "paperless" workflow. With that said, there are still a few things you can do to make the transition simple and stress-free.
Let's get started!
Step #1: Analyze your current situation.
It's important to understand where you are so you can plan where you're going. Do a little bit of analysis to find out how your documents are currently stored, edited, and moved from one place to another. Most of them are probably stacked on desks or crammed in file cabinets, but some might already be digital.
Step #2: Set goals.
Before you make any big changes, ask yourself if there's anything you'd like to change. Do you notice inefficiencies that you could address during the transition to digital document management?
Step #3: Make a simple plan.
When you're ready to actually make the switch, remember to start scanning documents and stop printing new ones at the same time. This helps ensure that you're not creating more work for yourself.
How Scanning Solutions Help
Most companies don't hesitate to make the switch to digital workflows just because they're sentimental about paper. Let's be honest--paper is familiar and safe, but it's also slow, frustrating, and entirely too vulnerable to loss and destruction. Generally, companies hesitate because they aren't sure digital documents--and the scanning solutions that make it all possible--are even worth the time.
Digital documents are faster.
Ever needed to find a document in a hurry, only to realize you had no idea where it went? Digital documents make this problem a thing of the past. With the tools to organize everything digitally and to search by date, title, keyword, and content, you'll always find exactly what you need.
Digital documents are safer.
Paper files are vulnerable. Digital files, on the other hand, can be protected by passwords, user authentication, access control, and more--so in reality, scanning solutions are also security solutions.
Scanning solutions are simple.
If you're worried about scanning, don't be. The only real work you have to do with scanning solutions is making sure you know which files to scan, which to store, and which to shred.
Paperless workflows are better for the environment.
Are you looking for a fast, easy, and cost-effective way to go green? Digital documents are just the way to do it! You'll use less paper, ink, and energy continually hitting "print"--and you'll save money along the way.
Using Document Management Long-Term
Document management is a great place to start, because no matter your current setup, you can trust this solution to streamline, strengthen, and protect what matters. But what comes after document management? Here's a look at the next steps.
1. Start at the beginning.
When going digital, you don't have to stay small--you just have to start smart. Although document management is the first choice of many companies, it's up to you where to go next; make concrete, clear goals and find solutions or processes that will help you reach them.
2. Focus on departments.
Once you know what your next digital solution is going to be, it's important to consider which department will see the change first. Handling departments one at a time makes it easier for everyone to adapt to a digital workflow.
3. Look toward the future.
As you're boosting security with digital processes and saving money by saving paper, ink, and energy, you always need to keep an eye on the future. Make sure your solutions grow with your company--you won't regret it.
Document management can help you no matter what shape your files are in. Ready to take the first step into the digital world with document management? Contact us today!